
Samsung Designer’s Real Story Part 1

What’s In
your bag?

Inspiration for design waits lying in the scenes of
everyday life until someone’s ingenious perspective catches it, prompting the idea to shine into existence. Brilliant discoveries and impressions are hidden throughout; perhaps in a song verse heard on the
commute to work, in a moment while brushing your teeth, or in a small scribble or sentence written in a
notebook. That’s why looking into the bag you carry everyday is akin to looking into the source of your thoughts. Wonder what seeds of inspiration there are in the everyday bags of new designers who just joined Samsung Electronics! Our designers have opened their bags for us to witness their real and raw design stories of drawing special inspirations from daily encounters. *The interview are personal opinions of certain designers, and do not represent the position or strategy of Samsung Electronics.

  • Mobile Division GUI Designer

    Sae Byuk Shin

    • The item that defines me as a designer

      Lipstick. When I focus all my energy on design, I feel my lips turning pale over time. I’m sometimes surprised when I see myself in the mirror because of how different I look from when I first came into the office, but as I see my lipstick gradually wearing down from use, I think to myself, “Wow, I’m really working hard, aren’t I.”

    • My own unique item of inspiration

      My toothbrush. I think about what kind of ideas I want to conceive or how to tackle projects while I brush my teeth at work. There are moments when you can focus on your consciousness when doing daily tasks. It also helps me relax from the pressures of the work environment. Inspiration does come more naturally when your mind is at peace.

    • Personal definition of a ‘meaningful design’

      The French word ‘Inframince’ means ‘a miniscule
      difference that is so meticulous it’s hard to perceive.’
      My idea of a meaningful design is about building up
      ‘Inframince’. When small differences pile up on top of one another, you’ll have a sturdy design that is set apart from others.

    • The kind of designer I aspire to become

      A designer that is like a ‘Restroom’. People go back home after work to the comfort of their restrooms to
      peacefully bathe in warm water or soothe their urgent needs by taking care of business. It is also a place where you can fix your make-up and come out all fresh and
      renewed. I want people to experience this sort of modest but comfortable feeling through my designs.

    • A special bookmark only I want to know

      I get inspired from unique designs in opening and
      endings sequences of films. When I look at the various colors and screen-shifting techniques, I feel like my
      passion for design become flexible again after being a bit stiff over time.

  • Corporate Design Center UI Designer

    Yeon Ee Choi

    • My own unique item of inspiration

      My perfume. I just started this job so there’s still so much I am unfamiliar with, which kind of makes me anxious all the time. The perfume I carry with me is made from nature’s scent, and it soothes my anxiety and refreshes me whenever I get a whiff of its aroma. As a matter of fact, it helps me better conceive new ideas too.

    • Requirements for being a great designer

      I think there are only two differences between a great person and an ordinary person. Passion and
      perseverance. I don’t think you can achieve high
      performance with talent or skill alone. I believe that great design and a great designer are born when you add effort into the mix.

    • The most important factor
      in the design process

      Singularity in the style and message you want to convey. Also, the attitude of patiently listening to others during design collaboration is important as well. If you don’t make an effort to understand the opinions of others, your potential is limited within the confines of your own knowledge. This is why I practice the art of listening to others.

    • My definition of
      a ‘Samsung Electronics Designer’

      The image of a designer is sometimes perceived as a person who only pursues abstract or sensual things. However, the designers I met while working here are all focused on the lifestyles of our users in concrete and
      realistic aspects. I think a Samsung Electronics Designer is one who creates products that can be both practical and meaningful at the same time.

    • The kind of designer
      I want to be remembered as

      A designer that is after the heart of people. I want to be a designer who can capture the authentic stories of people, while providing values they desire most and
      resolving problems in their perspective.

  • Digital Appliances Division Product Designer

    Il Mo Ahn

    • My own unique item of inspiration

      My grandmother’s inheritance, a ring. It’s the only
      inheritance she left with me when she passed away in 2008. Having someone you hold dear close can give you strength and happiness. I think that kind of positive emotion evokes design inspiration within me.

    • Changes I experienced
      after becoming a designer

      The biggest change started when I received an award overseas in 2014. I was able to turn the switch lamp into a product through exhibitions held in 21 cities across 5 countries. It was during those two years I experienced an unwavering conviction to always have a dream. My dream is not only the embodiment of my pride, but also the impetus that moves me.

    • First thing I do before designing

      Before I start designing a product, I contemplate on the origin of the product itself and the needs for which it was first created. When I understand this original purpose, I can envision a transcending idea while still remaining in the range of the product’s identity.

    • A special bookmark only you want to know

      The website for the Science Journal AAAS
      (http://science.sciencemag.org). It’s the fastest way to predict and confirm the changes in present times and the future. This place serves as a rich pool of ideas and inspiration for me.

  • Visual Display Division Graphic Designer

    Jun Hyeok Chang

    • Item that defines me as a designer

      Lego. Toy blocks. Infinite creations are possible with the combinations of these blocks. I believe I can create a myriad of new designs with the combination of my
      experiences and ideas. The fact that it has infinite
      possibilities is similar to my own potential.

    • My must-have design item

      Paper and pencil. Since I’m a graphic designer, I use the computer as my primary tool, but I try not to have my thoughts confined to the computer. When I’m drawing with my hand, I tend to find new thoughts and
      expressions that lie outside of the computer screen.

    • A rule I follow when collaborating

      Endlessly contemplating about my own role. Design
      collaborations are similar to a soccer match. It’s because in soccer matches there are always a defense side and an offense side. Design works the same way. You’ll need to complement one another or at times fearlessly lay down ideas based on the situation of the project. Once you’re on the field, you need to know exactly what position you are playing.

    • An inspiring space

      Before I go to sleep, I get under my sheets and do all my random thinking. In this stream of unconsciousness, I sometimes happen upon fun ideas. That’s when I jot them down in my notebook.

    • The kind of designer
      I want to be remembered as

      A hilarious designer.

  • Digital Appliance Division UI Designer

    Min Ji Park

    • The item that defines me as a design

      Books. Whenever I want to build up on or organize my thoughts, I often visit the company library. I always carry around books in my bag, and that alone makes me feel like my mind is taking in the knowledge and thoughts contained in the book. The most recent book I have read is <Laws of Attractive Concept>.

    • Activities I do to gain inspiration

      Since I’m a designer who majored in engineering, I have friends from many different fields of study. I usually engage in conversations with these friends and find
      inspiration in the daily life. I think the sheer joy that comes from conversing with friends is very helpful when it comes to creating design.

    • The kind of designer
      I want to be remembered as

      A well-rounded and competent designer. I’m interested in a wide array of topics, so I consider myself as more of a generalist than a specialist. Even at the Digital
      Appliance Division where I am currently part of, I’m
      involved in various tasks from screen environment design, panel UI, voice UI, to service design and more.

    • A special bookmark only I want to know

      The screen capture key that I use frequently. I use the smartphone relatively more than others, and the
      Internet offers such an abundant sea of information for designers like myself. Whenever I find something useful, I save it by taking a screenshot. I then backup the image file onto my cloud and organize it there.

Bags that Carry the Future of Design

An ordinary item can embody an individual’s personal time. This precious time can burgeon into inspiration that then finds breakthrough as an ingenious idea and a much-needed design for users. A designer’s bag is a small repository of thoughts that is filled with such items. We look forward to seeing the unique
characteristics and sensibilities of our designers held in these bags make the world a more meaningful place.