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The Art
from a Detail

Artist Collaboration : Samsung X DFT


Detail Found in Brevity

Countless intersections of lines, combinations of
colors, and arrangements of planes are involved in
the process of completing a design. This process is a
continuous build-up of compositions, but ironically,
the message held in a design becomes most
coherent and its details most radiant when it is in its
simplest form. Our newest artist collaboration was
born out of this very idea. In order to encounter
detail, we chose to become the most concise. We
compressed the overall form of objects you see on a
day-to-day basis, namely the Gear Sport
smartwatch and the POWERstick PRO stick vacuum,
into a single line as an effort to express detail in the

with DFT

An image shows the artist DFT drawing on a piece of paper.

Our collaboration this time around is with DFT
(Differently), an artist duo who illustrates their
artistic universe in the form of line-drawing. DFT’s
line of works is drawn entirely with a single and
concise line. This method transforms an otherwise
complex subject into a simple two-dimensional line,
capturing the identity and detail of the image in the

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An image shows the front faces of two different colored Gear Sport watches.
An image shows the front faces of two different colored Gear Sport watches.

The Cheerful Watch

Gear Sport

Also known as a ‘universe on your wrist,’ a
wristwatch and the hundreds of gears that make up
its contents are the culmination of technology and
the symbol of exquisite flawlessness. Gear Sport
inherited these sentiments that are contained in the
details of a wristwatch. The Gear Sport’s wide
collection of watch faces, immaculate form that is
reinforced with an edge, and its twenty-three straps
that can accompany any lifestyle ensure an
unrestraint everyday life for its users. We took the
various expressions of this immaculate smartwatch
and reimagined it as an artwork that uses patterns
drawn with one-line drawing. The patterns are
composed in flexible angles to assemble into more
than 3,600 different styles that each embodies a
stylish value of the Gear Sport.

We deconstruct our subjects
into two-dimensional minimalist
line art to focus on what creates
a subject’s unique identity.

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The pattern created by DFT using the Gear Sport as inspiration is shown.
DFT Interview

Portraying Design Balance
of the Gear Sport

The very first step of our work process is drawing
several realistic pencil sketches of the subject. We
must go through the sketch process to accurate
survey the subject matter, and understand its
unique properties. We closely examined the Gear
Sport over a long period of time and discovered that
the Gear Sport’s identity is in its ‘perfect balance
maintained between simplicity and flawlessness.’
We then used a pattern design to capture Gear
Sport’s design balance that is overlaid throughout
the product.

Detail in Curvature that Instills
‘Smartness’ to a ‘Watch’

We were deeply inspired by the seamless transition
between the Gear Sport’s external body design and
its GUI design. This natural transition exhibits the
major characteristics of the Gear Sport’s dual nature
as both a wristwatch and a wearable smart device.
We based our ideas on this specific property and
strived to illustrate the detailed changeover that
takes place in the form of a round curvature
between the watch’s external body and the watch

An image shows two POWERStick Pro cleaners crossed over one another.
An image shows two POWERStick Pro cleaners crossed over one another.

The Dynamic Vacuum


A stick vacuum cleaner is built from many different
parts that vary in size and form. The main design
challenge here is to create a product that has a
singular and complete shape and form even though
it is composed of different parts with unique
physical properties, such as the handle that must
cater to the shape of a hand, the elongated pipe, and
the cylinder-shaped brush. The POWERstick PRO
unravels this challenge with ingenuity. Its
ergonomic design features a harmonious
combination of straight lines and curves, giving the
product a balanced and simple look.

Minimalism requests
a certain level of perfection.

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An illustration created by DFT using the POWERStick Pro as inspiration is shown.
DFT Interview

Telling the Tale of
Joyful Cleaning

Our encounter with the POWERstick PRO and the
many faces it takes depending on the angle was a
cheerful and enjoyable process. Its lightweight
body and meticulous detail gave us the impression
of a lively and energetic product. In order to capture
the POWERstick PRO’s characteristic identity, we
drew a vivacious curve that follows the stick
vacuum’s path to illustrate joyfulness in cleaning.

Futuristic Design
in the Intersection of Lines

We believe Samsung is a company that serves as a
symbol and pioneer of innovative design. We
viscerally felt Samsung’s future-oriented design
from the POWERstick PRO. Its technological
essence and thorough design were especially
apparent in the flex handle and the detail in the
filter tank. We then sketched out the POWERstick
PRO’s ergonomic design with a delicate intersection
of lines.

a Product’s Detail into
the Crux of our Lives

The first task of our artist collaboration with DFT
was exploring the details in a product that is
situated in our near vicinity. We wanted this
collaborative artwork to not only remain as an art
piece, but to also return back into actual lives. That
is why we infused the artwork into everyday objects.
Among them was the shopping bag at the Samsung
d’light*, which we designed so that users can have a
special experience of meeting the details in the
artwork firsthand. We believe that the opportunity
to encounter Samsung Electronics products in
another distinct perspective will present a whole
new joyful experience to our users. *Samsung d’light : an exhibition space of Samsung
products and technologies

  • An image shows two black cushions featuring illustrations of the POWERStick Pro cleaner in white.
  • An image shows the POWERStick Pro cleaner illustration featured on a coffee mug.
  • An image shows a shopper holding a Samsung D’Light shopping bag featuring Gear Sport illustrations.
  • An image shows a framed copy of the Gear Sport illustration.

“God is in the details.”

- Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, German Architect -

The power that transforms something ordinary into
extraordinary is in the details. We realize this power
when we experience the careful ‘considerations’
that go into the smallest aspects of a product. Our
heartfelt consideration for our users is now
reimagined in the art of detail. We hope that the
wonderful surprise embedded in the details of
Samsung Electronics products permeates into our
users’ spaces and lives to shine brilliantly, time and
time again.