The circular UX of the Samsung Gear S2 & S3 is a new chapter in user experience as it takes its start from the form of a conventional watch face.

The circular UX utilizes both physical control of the bezel with touch screen capabilities for an intuitive interface with the device. The 24 detent rotation of the bezel allows the user to access the app or controls he or she needs without covering the screen. Truly a new experience for the user as well as the designers who developed this unique innovation.

To achieve this new direction in UX design the designers at Samsung Electronics had to literally think outside the box. Or in this case, the square, starting from a blank slate. Find out what challenges they had to overcome to achieve this new and unique UX design.

CHALLENGE #1 UX optimized for a circular display

Just breaking away from
the conventional square format of
the screen was a major challenge.

The four corners of the square screen, where crucial controls are often placed would simply not work in a circular environment. Also, due to the considerable size reduction of the screen real estate the entire design had to be rethought and re-designed from scratch.

To do this, we had to think outside of the physical restraints of the circle. To think beyond, if you will by imagining a larger circle around the watch face for a daring new layout. We also utilized a sense of depth to differentiate between the content in the center and that in the periphery. Without any corners the result is a user interface that actively displays the content, for a more focused screen that is optimized for a wearable smart device experience.

  • POP UP
    Buttons are optimized
    for the circular screen
    Top and bottom of the screen have
    an added depth perception helping
    focus to the center of the screen
    A wide array of information
    arranged around the circular screen

CHALLENGE #2 Continuous UX by utilizing the bezel

To optimize the circular screen
of the Gear S2 and S3 we added
the bezel as a control function
to the touch screen.

This meant developing a new user experience that seamlessly integrated the control of both the bezel and touch screen interface.

The advantages of a rotating bezel are quick and accurate control without disrupting the screen. Also, relying on touch without having to look at the device itself is another advantage. To achieve this, numerous interface and motion design user tests were done to find the most applicable method. For example, in Apps, it’s as easy to find the application you need as turning the bezel. Also, selecting a song on the music player or switching the watch face setting is easy as a flick of the wrist.

  • APPS
    Turn the bezel to quickly and
    easily find the app you want
    Change the music with
    a simple turn of the bezel
    Choose the watch face
    by going through the selections
    with a turn of your wrist

CHALLENGE #3 Precise control for a compact display

With the successful marriage of form
and interface the Gear S2 & S3
applications have all undergone
a new UX makeover.

Although the physical size of the device has decreased compared to smartphones, the bezel interface counters such limitations to effectively allow apps a wider range of control and functions in the new user environment.

Specifically, the Timer or Alarm app can be set with more ease and accuracy than before, as it is optimized for a circular screen. The Health app 24-Hour Log setting is easily accessible with the bezel controls to view your daily activities and records.

  • 24-HOUR LOG
    Cycle through your daily activities,
    checking the literal minutes of
    your day with the bezel
    Set your alarm to the minute simple
    by turning the bezel
    Choose whether to pick-up or ignore
    Incoming calls by turning the bezel
Perhaps changing a screen
from square to circle may not
seem so innovative.

However, the circular UX is not merely a form change but a totally new way of combining product design and UX design for an optimized user experience in smart wearable devices. No easy task there.

As this new direction in innovation shows, the circular UX of the Gear S2 & S3 are testament to Samsung Electronics’ dedication to go forward with new chapters in wearable technology.

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