Motion Interaction Design
A motion interaction designer is responsible for improving User eXperience for Samsung Electronics’ wide range of products and services through motions, animations, and interactions. Through deep insight on users’ interactions with design combined with sharp and creative perspectives, a motion interaction designer creates an immersive and visually intuitive environment in which users can easily and comfortably use products and services.
Motion interaction designers develop motion graphics and animations for products and services, creating intuitive interface interactions based on extensive user research and latest trends in technology that help users easily navigate through products and services.
What We Do
2D/3D Motion Graphic Design, Interaction Development/ Design/ Prototyping, Motion Visualization
designer's interview
Taehyun KangUX Team, Mobile eXpeirence Business
A motion interaction designer designs the journey users take through a product or service. The goal is to create designs that make user interactions natural and fluid through intuitive motions and visual cues.
Major tasks involve prototyping UI Flows in collaboration with software developers and designers working on interactions, visual interactions, and sound interactions. We also work on micro animation and visualizations based on concepts to help users easily understand features, and design wallpaper motion graphics that often become the first impression a user gets from a product.
The Bixby design enhancement project I worked on when I first joined the company comes to mind. It was a major project focused on improving the overall UX of Bixby that has already been implemented in the product. I worked on a part of UX design that dealt with improving the sound interaction indicator, which involved building the initial concept and prototyping of the design. It was a difficult but rare opportunity that left a lasting impression on me.
The work is mainly about designing motion through interactions, so it is important to have a strong sense of expressing fluid and natural motions. Being well-versed in 2D/3D motion graphics, animation, and video graphics would be helpful as well. It is also important to consider motion that best suits User eXperience with a product instead of trying to create the fanciest motions. Lastly, knowing the ins and outs of a product and service is a must when it comes to building a great interaction.
Design is a field that needs to be sensitive to the ever-changing trends in technology and everyday environments. I believe it is important to have a wide perspective on the world around you to gain broad insight, which you can leverage to solve the issues users face each day.