Interaction Design
The interaction designer establishes a UX design strategy that allows users to intuitively utilize individual products and the overall experience of various devices. After the scenario is defined, the structure, flow, and the information screen layout of the User Interface are designed.
Grow in a user-friendly environment by building UX principles based on user-oriented insights, receiving user feedback on service design, and proposing new usability.
Through analysis of various quantitative data as well as qualitative feedback, we must be able to derive insights such as user needs and pain points. Information architecture (IA) and workflows that are applicable to products and services must also be developed. By proposing experience values that incorporate global cultural insights, become a global interaction design expert. Design experiences for various devices ranging from Samsung Electronics mobile products to home appliances.
What We Do
User Research, Developing UX Strategy and Principles, Planning of Information Architecture and Workflow, User Testing (UT)
designer's interview
Kangbum LeeDesign Group, Networks Business
I am an interaction designer from the Design Group of the Networks Business. I analyze pain points, improve VOC, and communicate with telecommunication businesses. Due to the firm business nature of this work, we are also working to improve overall usability by producing UX guidelines for business units.
Structural design is essential for network operating systems. Therefore, there are many designers with various backgrounds, including visual design, architecture, communication, and computer engineering. We are closely cooperating with relevant departments such as product planning, sales, and 5G network solution.
A research task for telecommunication service customers. Since the project consisted of new methods, we created a process by sharing roles with multiple heads and had discussions together. This way, we learned how each of us operated. The research data produced from the project are still being used and supports the decision-making process.
Design is mainly creative work, but it also requires a business mind. The ability to carry out design tasks based on strategic and logical thinking is essential. Even if in charge of a small task, always view the problem from a holistic perspective and find the solution strategically.