With daytime highs at an average of
45°C (113°F) during May and September,
it’s no wonder most offices close at half past
two in the afternoon.
It’s this harsh outside climate that cause many Middle Eastern
people to prefer indoor activities and nurture a culture of sitting. With
this sedentary lifestyle is the rich culinary culture which contributes to the
high increase in obesity. The deeply rooted traditional values of family, result in
as many as three generations under one roof – often the focus being the elderly
family members. Such traditions call for a home where the role of each family member is
strictly divided; the house chiefly taken care of by the women, with 1 to even 4 servants
tending the chores of the house.

The increase in obesity due to rapid economic growth and tradition have left many
here prone to chronic disease. Medical personnel are usually foreign nationals
with whom communication is always a challenge; not just the language but
also that their time here is temporal – so a lasting relationship, vital in
health terms, is often lacking. The dilemma further increases with the
short hospital hours, and short staff resulting in a waiting list of
two to three months. We thought that a service experience and
device solution, centered around a new medical infrastructure
could be utilized. So we looked into the Middle East;
the environment, the mindset, lifestyles, culture, but
more importantly the people.
We proposed 4 unique solutions
that could impact this region
in a positive way.
Samsung IVD Medical Equipment
- PT10 - Clinical Chemistry
- Metabolism Test: liver, kidney,
blood sugar, cholesterol etc. - Duration : 7min
- Blood Volume : 70㎕
- Metabolism Test: liver, kidney,
- IB10 - Immunity Test
- Cardiovascular Test (Myocardial Infraction, Heart Failure, Pulmonary Embolism Infectious) , Hormone Test, Septicemia Test (In developing process)
- Duration : 20min
- Blood Volume : 500㎕
- HC10 - Blood Cell Test
- Anemia, Infection Test
- Duration : 45sec
- Blood Volume : 25㎕
Not Just Products,
But Designing a Life Experience
We’re not just talking about designing a new product.
The insights gained from preparing our medical services for the Middle East:
the history, tradition, and culture; as well as the service experience and
products developed from such research; together with the resulting changes
in lifestyle – we hope will become a platform for your creative
imagination and exploration.
With the fundamental idea of understanding people,
our Middle East medical service solution
reveals what good design is for Samsung:
Designing beyond products toward a service
experience to better change our lives.
Sand, desert heat,
women in hijabs.
As far away as this location sounds
Samsung has begun a new project for a
healthier way of life.
Our HME (Healthcare & medical equipment)
division, service experience group and overseas
offices (SDD) have joined together to deliver
state-of-the-art in-vitro diagnostic devices, user-centered
health services, and ultimately develop an infrastructure to
enhance the quality of life.